Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Letter from Dr. Betsy

    1. Schedule of Events + Links

    1. Tend Her Class 1: Creating Safe Space, What is and isn't Resilience, How do we Get to Resilience, Your Resilience Baseline, The Resilience Summit, 10/23/23

    2. Slides Class 1

    3. Joining A Resiliency Circle

    4. Soul Work & Writing Prompts for Week 1

    5. Hypnosis Session #1 to Connect to Your Safe Place & Strong, Resilient Core

    6. Yoga to Open up to fully receive our life - 10/28/23

    1. Tend Her Class 2: Physical Resilience & Embodiment

    2. Slides from Class 2: Embodiment and Physical Resilience

    3. Somatic Resources

    4. Soul Work & Writing Prompts for Week 2

    5. Hypnosis Week 2: Connecting to & Talking to the Body

    6. Yoga with Fannie Hungerford_ 11/4/23

    1. Tend Her Class 3: Emotional & Mental Resilience

    2. Tend Her Class 3 Slides: Emotional & Mental Resilience

    3. Hypnosis Week 3: Understanding What Keeps us Stuck

    4. Heart Opening Flow Yoga with Betsy _11/11/23

    1. Tend Her Class 4: Social Resilience

    2. Tend Her Class 4 Slides: Social Resilience

    3. Hypnosis: Week Four

    4. No Thyself, Feel Thyself & Show Thyself Bolstering_ Yoga with Betsy

About this course

  • Free
  • 23 lessons
  • 14.5 hours of video content