Course curriculum

    1. A Welcome Message from Betsy...

    2. How to use this course

    3. Before we begin please take this short survey so we know more about you....

    4. Setting Sacred Space & Course Ground Rules

    5. A Word about Confidentiality - PLEASE READ

    6. Yoga For The Mind Schedule + All Links for Duration of the Course

    1. Links for Webinars & Yoga Classes

    1. Recommended Reading List

    1. Program Covers

    1. Week 1 Lecture Video: Human-Higher Self Continuum, Kosha Model - 2/1/21

    2. Week 1 Handouts

    3. Week 1 Lecture Slides - 2/1/21

    4. Week 1 Q & A Phone Call - 2/4/21 (Resistance/Persistence, Shadow & Pain Body, Ego Formation)

    5. Week 1 Q & A Handout (Tools for Law of Least Effort) - 2/4/21

    6. Week 2 Lecture: Anamaya Kosha & The Mind Body Connection - 2/8/21

    7. Week 2 Handouts - 2/8/21

    8. Week 2 Lecture Slides - 2/8/21

    9. Week 2 Q & A - 2/11/21 (Collective Depression in COVID, Talking to Patients about Mind-body in Medical Practice, & More!)

    10. Week 2 Q & A Handout (Finding a Balance: Masculine & Feminine Principles) - 2/11/21

    11. A Different Perspective on Masculine/Feminine Energy: Yin/Yang Awareness

    12. Week 3 Lecture: Awakening the Inner Healer, Doshas, 6 Pillars of Health - 2/15/21

    13. Week 3: Awakening Your Inner Healer Meditation - 2/15/21

    14. Week 3 Handouts - 2/15/21

    15. Week 3 Lecture Slides - 2/15/21

    16. Week 3 BONUS: Vata Yoga Practice

    17. Week 3 BONUS: Pitta Yoga Practice

    18. Week 3 BONUS: Kapha Yoga Practice

    19. Week 3 Q & A - 2/18/21

    20. Week 3 Q & A Handout - Ushas Mudra & 5 Element Meditation Script

    21. Week 4 - Discussion with Dr. Matt Taylor on Pain - 2/22/21

    22. Week 4 - Handouts

    23. Week 4 Q & A - 2/25/21

    1. Week 5 Lecture: Your Energy Body, The Nadis, Emotion, The Energy of Places & People, The Empath - 3/2/21

    2. Week 5 Handout & Additional Recordings (61 Points) - 3/1/21

    3. Slides Week 5 - 3/1/21

    4. Week 5 Q & A: Feeling Feelings, Empaths, Cutting Cords - 3/4/21

    5. Cord Cutting Meditation - 3/4/21

    6. Week 6 Lecture: Trauma and Its Effects on The Body, Nervous System, Brain, Relationships & Posture, Trauma Sensitive Yoga - 3/8/21

    7. Week 6 Handouts + Slides - 3/8/21

    8. The 36 Questions by Arthur Aron

    9. Week 6 Q & A: Tolerating the Consequences of Being Yourself, Working with Trauma in the Body, Longhaul COVID & Breath work, Breath Practice

    10. Guided Meditation on Listening to Constrictions in the Body

    11. Week 7 Lecture: Chakras - 3/22/21

    12. Week 7 Handouts + Slides: 3/22/21

    13. Week 7 Q & A: Chakra Measurements, Fat around Chakras, Energy module vs Physical Module

    14. Distance Healing: How/Why Does it Work?

    15. Week 8 Lecture: Pranayama & Breath - 3/29/21

    16. Week 8 Handouts + Slides: 3/29/21

    17. Week 8 Q & A: Nirvana vs Resistance in the Practice, Challenges with Breath Practices, Chakras & Injuries, Chakra Clearing Meditation with Mudras & Chanting

    18. Week 8 Practice: Chakra Clearing Meditation with Mudras & Chanting (the last 20 minutes of class)

About this course

  • $2,995.00
  • 146 lessons
  • 143.5 hours of video content