Finding Yourself 8-week Yoga Series
This 10 Week Course explores the idea of Finding Yourself using the foundation of yoga. Each week will explore a different theme and help you embody it with asana, mudra, breath work, and meditation.
Tend HER 1.0
This 5-week ONLINE course is for women to learn the art of self compassion and the proven power of kindness toward oneself. If you live in the state of Iowa and are one of the first 500 to register, this course is FREE thanks to a grant.
Align & Integrate: Exploring the Yamas & Niyamas 10-week Yoga Series
This 10 Week Course covers the first 2 limbs of yoga, the yamas and the niyamas. Each class will introduce a yama or niyama, and then provide asana, breath work, mudra, mantra, and self-reflection.
Only Connect 10-week Yoga Series
This 10-week yoga series called "Only Connect" explores how yoga can be a means to connect with our self, others, and the world at large. Each week explores a different theme of connection.
Root Chakra 7-Week Yoga Series
7 Week Yoga Series on the Root Chakra for Grounding, Stabilizing & Less Worry
Yoga for the Mind 2021
Yoga for the Mind is an online 5-month program that will provide you a certification for integrating yoga into your mental health work, or integrating an understanding of mental health into how you teach yoga. Graduates of the certification program,